Ways to Counter Anxiety

Millions of Americans suffer with some form of anxiety every day. Anxiety can range from general discomfort to severe panic attacks. It can also have many different sources, only some of which may be known to the sufferer. Short of seeking professional help, there are several useful techniques that can help reduce or eliminate anxiety.
  1. Confront Anxiety

    • Confronting anxiety in a conscious way is one of the best ways to counteract its effects. Many experts advocate writing down a list of anxieties and trying to determine their causes. It may also be useful to examine what reactions are common once anxiety is felt. In many cases, anxiety sufferers who employ this strategy find that trivial matters form the basis of most of their anxieties. Keeping a list of anxiety attacks or writing in a diary can also help in this respect.

    Get More Exercise

    • The relationship between physical wellness and psychological comfort level has been proven exhaustively. Exercise reduces anxiety in the short term and can also provide a much needed distraction from the activities that cause anxiety. It may also help to eliminate other health issues that are themselves causes of anxiety or general concern.

    Talk About Anxiety

    • Communicating your anxieties can be one of the best ways to deal with them. Besides finding other people who share the same anxiety, simply putting them into words can be a relief. For anxiety sufferers who don't have a trusted person to talk about anxiety with, there are numerous self-help groups and online communities where individuals can share their experience dealing with anxiety and discuss the impact it has on their life within a supportive, anonymous setting.

    Breathing and Meditation

    • Breathing techniques have been used by many people to reduce the amount of anxiety and to prevent anxiety attacks from getting out of control. Relaxing shoulder and neck muscles, and taking shallow, slow breaths through the nose may be able to prevent the onset of an anxiety attack on the spot. Longer term programs such as yoga or meditation can help ease the overall burden of anxiety and help provide a calm balance for a busy lifestyle.

    Professional Options

    • People who suffer from severe anxiety that can't be countered with any of these techniques may need professional help. Therapists may be able to provide specific techniques for coping with anxiety tailored to the sufferer's individual lifestyle and problem. In addition, many different medications are used to deal with anxiety that results from chemical disorders or other illnesses.

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