What Are the Causes of Behavioral Anxiety ?
According to the article, "What Causes An Anxiety Disorder" by Cathy Frank M.D., the various types of anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and panic disorder) have been shown to run in families. This suggests that some individuals may be more genetically vulnerable to the development of an anxiety disorder than others.
Locus of Control
Another factor that can cause anxiety is what psychologists refer to as the "locus of control." An internal locus of control means you feel that the events that happen to you are the direct result of your own actions or inaction. An external locus of control means you feel that the events that happen to you are entirely out of your control, for good or bad. Those with an external locus of control are more prone to developing an anxiety disorder, as they worry more often about the things they perceive they cannot control.
Dr. Cathy Frank's article, "What Causes an Anxiety Disorder," also cites neurotransmitters as key factors in the development of an anxiety disorder. Frank states that, "Some of those chemical messengers lead us to be more excited. Some of them lead us to be more inhibited, and that out-of-balance reaction between those messengers may play a role in anxiety disorders."
Another factor (closely related to the locus of control issue) is personality. Those more prone to feelings of stress and of being overwhelmed and those who feel as if much of their lives are out of their control have a greater chance of developing an anxiety disorder.
Because of the various causes of anxiety disorders, a number of treatments seek to address the imbalance caused by the anxiety disorder. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy helps people recognize the control they have in their lives, and patients learn coping skills to deal with various stressors. HelpGuide.org also lists exposure therapy as an effective treatment, as it forces an individual with an anxiety disorder to face their fears in a controlled environment. Medication is also commonly used to treat the chemical imbalances considered key in the development of an anxiety disorder.