How to Cope With Anxiety & Panic Disorder
Replace negative thoughts. Negative thoughts can turn ordinary stress into a full-blown panic attack. Replace thoughts like, "I'm having a heart attack," with thoughts like, "Anxiety has caused these chest pains before, I am not having a heart attack." Use positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are statements that you say out loud to yourself. Your brain hears and processes these affirmations, and you begin to believe them on a subconscious level. Affirmations should be phrased in the present tense. An example of a positive affirmation to help you cope with anxiety and panic is, "I am a strong person!"
Change your diet. Eating a healthy diet can go a long way toward being able to cope with anxiety and panic disorder. A good diet to help cope with anxiety is one that doesn't include processed foods or lots of sugar. A whole foods diet can help stabilize blood sugar levels and lead to less anxiety. Be sure to eat complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread and brown rice, as these carbohydrates increase serotonin levels in the brain, reducing anxiety.
Exercise daily. Walk for at least 30 minutes. Build up to 60 minutes for an even greater reduction in anxiety symptoms. In addition to burning off excess adrenalin, exercise also boosts your mood. When exercising, be sure not to overdo it in the beginning. Overexercising can cause your body to produce more adrenaline, which will not be helpful. Aim for gentle exercise at first, and work your way up to more challenging activities.
Share with family and friends. Explain to those in your inner circle what anxiety and panic disorder is, and how you manage it. Sharing this information can help you to be less stressed, because you know they will understand if you should have an anxiety attack in their presence.
Investigate the possibility of medication if you feel unable to cope with anxiety and panic disorder on your own. Some antidepressants can help get anxiety under control. Tranquilizers can also be used in situations when you need immediate relief, like during a panic attack.