How to Treat Anxiety Attack Symptoms
Breathe deeply. While having an anxiety attack your breathing escalates and you start hyperventilating, which only increases anxiety. Try breathing slowly and deeply through your nose at a steady pace. If needed, you can breathe into a paper bag to stop hyperventilating.
Meditate or relax your mind. Meditation is very effective for treating anxiety attack symptoms because it forces you to be calm and to empty your mind, freeing yourself from worry. It may take several attempts for someone suffering from anxiety to be able to meditate--stick with it.
Exercise for at least half an hour every day. Exercise naturally relieves stress and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Walking, jogging and swimming are simple ways to burn off some stress and promote emotional well-being.
Get enough sleep. When you are sleeping your body has a chance to recuperate and your mind can let go of the stresses and worries of the day. You can wake up feeling refreshed and have enough energy to deal with the day ahead.
Avoid caffeine, nicotine and excessive amounts of sugar as much as possible. These are all stimulants that elevate energy levels instead of promoting calmness. For some people, these substances can even trigger a panic attack.