What Is a Natural Anxiety Healer?

Anxiety can be brought on by a number of common factors. Some people suffer greatly from bouts of anxiety making daily living a challenge. Conventional medicines can help but they often contain side effects; fortunately there are several natural anxiety healers.
  1. Acupressure

    • Touching the space between your eyebrows to rid your mind of anxious thoughts or grabbing a hold of your thumb to release and redirect energy are just a few acupressure techniques.


    • To calm nerves place lavender, geranium, ylang-ylang, and melissa together in a 5 ml bottle is recommended. Sit still and and allow the aromas to calm you down and reduce your anxiety.

    Cut Down on Sugars

    • Reduce your consumption of sugar, alcohol and caffeine. These substances can heighten levels of anxiety in the body.

    Blended Herbs

    • Drinking herbal blended teas like chamomile, black tea, and green tea can aid in relaxation and help to ease anxiety.


    • Fill your bathtub with water just slightly cooler than your body temperature and soak for 20 minutes. This remedy has a natural balancing effect for constant feeling of anxiety.

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