What Is the Brand Name for Hydroxyz HCL?
Hydroxyz HCL is an antihistamine that is often prescribed to people suffering from anxiety and tension. Its brand names are Vistaril and Atarax. Hydroxyz HCL is commonly used to treat people who've become anxious or tense because of some sort of illness or medical condition. It may also help those who experience anxiety as part of a mental health disorder.
Other Uses
Though Hydroxyz HCL is frequently prescribed as a treatment for anxiety, it can also be prescribed for managing allergic reactions. In such a case, it may be used to help relieve the itching caused by an allergy. Sometimes, this drug is also used as a sedative to relax patients both before and after they receive general anesthesia.
Like other antihistamines, Hydroxyz HCL helps to reduce the effects of a chemical the body releases as part of an allergic reaction. This chemical, called histamine, contributes to the narrowing of a person's airways, inflammation and itchiness. When antihistamines are used to fight allergic reactions, they help to relieve itching, runny noses, watering eyes and swelling of the mucous membranes.
According to Drugs.com, it is best to take Hydroxyz HCL over a short-term period, and it should not be used for longer than 120 days. If you're prescribed this medication, store it in cool, dry place that is out of the light. Do not allow the syrup form of this medication to freeze.
Side Effects
The main side effect of hydroxyz HCL is drowsiness. This temporary effect is part of the reason it's useful for relaxing patients and reducing anxiety. Some people also experience twitches and dry mouth while taking this medication. When high doses are consumed, side effects may even include convulsions and tremors.
According to WebMD, this medication isn't recommended for use during early pregnancy, and no one knows whether the drug passes from mother to child during breastfeeding. Additionally, children and elderly people tend to feel the effects of this medication more than adults do, so some doctors may be cautious about prescribing it to children and older people.