Cognitive Psychology & How it Relates to Anxiety Disorder
Calm thoughts lead to calm feelings
Cognitive Distortions and Anxiety
People with anxiety disorders tend to have certain patterns of thinking that are inaccurate. These negative patterns of thinking, called cognitive distortions, cause anxiety.
How Cognitions Can Cause Anxiety Disorders
Habitual negative thinking patterns can cause chronic stress. This constant stress may contribute to the development of an anxiety disorder.
Cognitive Psychology and Anxiety Disorder Progression
Once an anxiety disorder is developed, certain ways of thinking about the symptoms can actually make the anxiety worse.
Cognitive Psychology and Anxiety Treatment
Cognitive therapy is often the treatment of choice for anxiety disorders. It involves examining cognitive distortions. It helps a patient develop more realistic and less stress-inducing thoughts.
Thoughts Affect Feelings and Behavior
Thoughts, feelings and behavior all affect and are affected by each other. Changing thoughts can help you change your feelings and behavior, which can then lead to healthier thoughts. This can alleviate anxiety and is part of the cure for anxiety disorders.