What are the Alternatives to Drugs for the Treatment of ADD?
Dietary Adjustments
One of the most talked about subjects when it comes to treating ADD without the use of stimulant drugs is the diet. Some specialists believe that some chemicals in the diet can cause or worsen symptoms of ADD. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, some children with ADD may benefit from dyes and artificial substances, such as preservatives, being eliminated from the diet. One popular dietary prescription for ADD is called the Feingold diet, which is based on the idea that certain dietary adjustments such as in artificial colorings and chemical additives can reduce or eliminate symptoms of ADD. This diet is somewhat controversial because there is not a lot of conclusive scientific evidence of its effectiveness. However, many physicians believe that although it may not help, it also should not hurt to try.
Psychological Therapy
Psychological therapy is seen by many as an essential part of ADD treatment, most often when used in conjunction with ADD medications. Several different types of therapy may benefit a child with ADD. Some children can benefit from the learning of effective relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or short periods of quiet meditation. Another type of therapy that is useful for treating ADD is behavior modification. This type of therapy involves the use of positive reinforcement, or a reward system, to teach the child how to behave appropriately. In this type of therapy, positive behaviors are rewarded, while inappropriate or maladaptive behaviors are ignored or punished.
Herbs are a controversial alternative to the use of medications in the treatment of ADD. Herbal practitioners may prescribe herbal supplements like ginseng or gingko biloba in place of traditional ADD drugs. Ginseng has an energizing effect, and may be useful in replacing conventional stimulant drugs. Gingko biloba is thought to increase blood circulation to the brain and perhaps even improve memory and concentration. Herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA and often are not required to participate in rigorous scientific evaluation. Therefore, it is extremely important to remember that herbal supplements may be ineffective or even harmful. Always consult an herbal practitioner and/or physician before using any type of herbal treatment for ADD.