How to Reduce Your Anxiety and Fear
Step 1) The first step in reducing your anxiety and fear is having a WELL THOUGHT OUT PLAN. Take some time and some serious deep thought into conquering whatever you want to conquer--whether it's losing weight, qutting smoking, or finding your life purpose. Then map a plan out. This planning will help you to lessen your anxiety and fear as you will have something to keep you focused.
Step 2) The second step in lessening your anxiety and fear is PLAYING OUT THE WORST SCENARIOS. What is the fear that is keeping you held back? If you played out that fear to the worst extreme, what would happen? Would you die? Would you declare bankruptcy? Playing out your fear to the worst extreme will help you own your fear rather than letting it own you.
Step 3) The third step in lessening your anxiety and fear is REALIZATION OF THE SHORT DURATION OF YOUR LIFE. No matter what accomplishments you make--no matter what disappointments you can't overcome--you will die one day. No one can escape that!
Step 4) I hope this has been a helpful article on how to lessen your anxiety and fear. There are many ways to combat anxiety and fear; however, the preceding 3 methods will help you to confine fear and anxiety to its proper place. Good Luck!