Symptoms of Anxiety in the Throat
If you get anxious, you are not short on will power or weak-minded. This is a common misconception. Anxiety is a real problem to deal with, but you are not a bad person or crazy because you have it. And you do not need to suffer in fear without relief.
Anxiety has biological, physiological and cognitive causes. Be aware of what might cause your panic. Trauma, inherited tendencies, stress, chronic health conditions and poor coping skills are some causes. The reason anxiety happens for each person is unique.
Physical Symptoms
When anxiety strikes, you might sweat, feel numbness or tingling in extremities, have difficulty breathing, shiver, feel a racing heart, get tight muscles, experience face or jaw pain, be nauseous, dizzy and more. The National Panic & Anxiety Disorder News website lists 34 separate symptoms.
Throat Symptoms
You might feel uncomfortable symptoms in your throat when anxious. Some people feel a "lump in the throat" or Globus Hystericus, as it is technically called. You may also feel like you are choking, gagging, cannot swallow or have dry mouth and throat.
Throat Symptoms Explained
When you are anxious, the sympathetic nervous system kicks into gear. Adrenaline gets released, and throat muscles constrict. This feels scary, but it will not harm you. You can still breathe, speak, eat and drink. The best way to reduce symptoms is to focus on another thought or activity.