Does Anxiety Cause Memory Loss?
Too much stress can cause the body to increase production of the hormone cortisol, causing an imbalance. This hormone causes limited brain function and makes it so you cannot think straight or remember things.
Cortisol interrupts the body's neurotransmitters, which carry communications from the body to the brain. The information that would travel normally without the anxiety problem can be lost, causing a person to forget.
Anxiety gaze, when a person stares into space, perhaps without realizing it, is a common occurrence with anxiety patients because of the brain's limited ability to transport information. This is temporary and can be caused by light stress.
All anxiety is caused by stress. It is important to find ways to relieve your stress, such as exercise or therapy, to avoid memory loss.
Benzodiazepines are prescribed to a number of people who suffer from anxiety. If a person is taken off of this medication, common withdrawal symptoms include memory loss because of the change in the body's chemistry and dependency on the drug.