Bashful Bladder Syndrome
Bashful bladder syndrome is considered a social anxiety disorder or phobia. It may result from a combination of physical factors and environmental conditioning in childhood.
Mild to Moderate Cases
A mild case of paruresis can be solved by using a stall instead of a urinal. Some people, however, are unable to urinate when others are in a public restroom, or even in a nearby area.
Severe Cases
In severe paruresis cases, the individual cannot urinate anywhere except at home. This can severely limit social activity and cause problems with employment.
Behavioral Therapy
People with paruresis can benefit from behavioral therapy, according to A counselor coaches them through urinating in semi-private situations to progressively more public areas.
Medical Treatment
In moderate or severe paruresis cases, a doctor can prescribe anti-anxiety medication. People with severe cases may need to rely on a catheter to empty the bladder.