Anxiety Recovery Symptoms
Anxiety can come from anywhere. Many find stress in the workplace. Others have anxiety when it comes to relationships. Much of the anxiety people suffer does not even come from "normal stressors." It can be anything from going over a bridge, riding in an elevator, or coming face-to-face with a fat, hairy spider.
Face your fear
"Face your fear." It is probably the most overused suggestion for anyone feeling inhibited by a phobia. Are you afraid of heights? Go to the top of a building and stare down. Do you get goosebumps in the dark? Spend the night sleeping in complete darkness and see that there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if it is cliche, facing your fear is a tried and true method of relieving anxiety.
Soothing sounds
A nap with the sound of the ocean surf in the background is another stress reliever that works for many people. And if the ocean isn't the answer, there are plenty of other soothing sound effects to put the body to rest. It can be sounds of nature, relaxing music, or a soothing voice. If there is someone who is an expert at calming you down, have that person make a recording of him or her speaking. It's simple and highly effective.
Anxiety tends to cause a person to take short, quick breaths. This can lead to even more stress and hyperventilation. Therefore, any time breathing becomes abnormal, a great exercise is inhaling deeply, holding your breath for five seconds, and slowly exhaling. Repeat ten times. If anxiety persists, repeat as many times as necessary.
Lying on your back and closing your eyes is sometimes the best method of relieving stress. This allows you to focus solely on yourself and ignore everything else going on in the world. Just a few minutes is all it takes to refocus thoughts and turn negative energy into positive.
You're not alone
If there is one thing that you shouldn't get stressed about, it is that you are not the only one who faces stress. Anxiety is one of the most common afflictions among human beings. The trick to conquering it is finding the right method(s) to produce relief.