Anxiety & Jaw Pain
Symptoms of Jaw pain
Anxiety can cause muscle tension and can involve unconscious clenching and grinding of the teeth. Tensing your jaw and facial muscles can lead to neck pain, a sore jaw and pressure headaches. People with jaw pain report clicking sounds, tenderness around the jaw and jaw locking.
Causes of Anxiety and Jaw pain
Anxiety can be situational or general. Life transitions, such as employment, children or marriage can create anxiety and increase muscle tension and jaw pain. General anxiety can interfere with all parts of one's life and and require medical attention.
Self Treatment
Treating anxiety may help reduce jaw pain. Applying heat to the jaw will relax the muscles and doing regular exercises and stretches for the jaw may help alleviate and prevent pain. Yoga, massage, meditation and therapy may all provide positive outlets to relieve anxiety. A mouth guard will help prevent grinding or clenching during sleep.
When to Seek Help
If the anxiety and or the jaw pain is interferes with your activities of daily living, you should contact your Doctor. If the anxiety or jaw pain is reoccurring, contact your Doctor.
Treatment available for Anxiety and Jaw Pain
Consult with your doctor. She will determine if physical therapy, anti-anxiety medication or muscle relaxants are right for you. Other options include corrective dental treatments and stress reduction therapy.
Foods & Jaw Pain
Avoid eating hard, chewy or crunchy foods when you are experiencing jaw pain. Carrots, apples and foods that are difficult to bite and require a lot of chewing will place stress on the jaw and lead to more pain. Stick with soft foods, such as yogurt, eggs and beans.