Addictive Personality Disorder Information
Low Self-Esteem
People with addictive personalities often have low self-esteem and bad opinions of themselves. They feel better when they achieve the highs of indulging in their addictions and use them to cure low self-worth.
Stress can make those with addictions more likely to further their addictive behaviors. They may feel pushed to relieve stress through their addictions.
Depression and Antisocial Behavior
People with depression or antisocial behavior often turn to addictions to make themselves feel better instead of finding treatment.
Self-Destructive Behavior
It is not uncommon for addictive people to take part in self-destructive behaviors, such as a gambler selling his house. The desire to please their addictions can make them do things they wouldn't normally do, putting their every day lives at risk.
Most people with addictive personality disorder gain pleasure from their addictions. The high feeling they get can come in the form of endorphins being released in the brain, a natural pain killer. Endorphins are the brain's natural opiate, and while they aren't physically addictive, the person with the disorder will want to continue his behavior to achieve the good feelings that come with it.