Temazepam for the Treatment of Anxiety
Taking Temazepam
Originally developed in the 1960s as a sleep aid, the anxiety-lessening benefits of temazepam soon became a major draw for those suffering from panic disorders. It has been shown to be an effective and relatively fast-acting way to combat anxiety and related issues.
Temazepam is available by prescription only and comes in tablet and liquid forms. It should be taken at the onset of an anxiety episode or just before bedtime, as it has a tendency to make users tired and helps provide restful, uninterrupted sleep. Many have found their overall sleeping times increased with use of the medication.
When dealing with feelings of anxiety or panic, temazepam goes to work relatively quickly and can produce feelings of calm and well-being. It also possesses muscle-relaxing properties that make the body feel comfortable and at ease. Temazepam helps keep the brain on an even keel, ensuring a proper balance for overstimulated nerves.
Temazepam does have some side effects, though most of them are minor and manageable. Tiredness, dizziness, and a general feeling of being "out of it" are the most commonly reported. More serious side effects can include cloudy vision, speech problems, shallow breathing, headaches, amnesia,\ and hypertension. In a few highly unusual cases, users reported nightmares, hallucinations and unnatural aggressiveness.
Like all benzodiazepines, temazepam comes with its fair share of warnings and concerns. While it has proven valuable in treating anxiety, temazepam is by no means a long-term solution. This drug is typically prescribed for only a short period of time (up to four weeks), so it is helpful for the user to seek out other helpful means of relaxation, such as therapy, meditation or all-natural calming agents. This will ensure that when you stop taking Temazepam, you will be prepared to deal with your anxiety without the use of the drug.
Temazepam has been shown to produce dependence in those with histories of addiction and those with severe mental or emotional disorders. It is also not recommended for people with major breathing problems, notably decreased liver or kidney functions or for women who are breast-feeding.