Anxiety Disorder
Symptoms of Anxiety disorder include an inability to control worry, excessive sweating, tiredness, sleep disruption, anxiety that is not in proportion with concerns and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms are also closely linked to depression, which can be related to Anxiety Disorder.
Medication and therapy are both treatment options for Anxiety Disorder. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are a popular medication choice, and a popular therapy type is cognitive behavioral therapy, from which patients learn behavioral coping strategies.
A healthy lifestyle that manages stress well, includes a balanced diet and exercise, may help to prevent or reduce anxiety. However, some anxiety disorders are genetic or chemical and are a natural part of someone's chemistry and require constant treatment.
Anxiety disorder may or may not disappear, but it is treatable with medication and therapy. Because it is so treatable, anxiety can be managed and thereby lessened and the person with the disorder can experience relief from it.
Other Types
There are a few other types of anxiety disorders in addition to generalized anxiety disorder, including: obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. These different types of anxiety disorders require their own unique treatments.