Kinds of Anxiety
Generalized Anxiety
Feeling worried and anxious daily is characteristic of generalized anxiety. This type of anxiety is experienced indiscriminately without a clear precipitant and includes feeling irritable with difficulties sleeping and concentrating.
Panic Attacks
Fearing loss of control or dying with physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, chest pain, being choked up or lightheadedness may indicate a panic attack. Panic attacks come on suddenly without provocation and sometimes cause a person to seek medical attention.
Experiencing persistent fear of certain situations or specific objects is considered a phobia. Phobias can be associated with fear of animals or insects; environmental triggers, such as heights or water; germs; or sight of blood.
Social Anxiety
Fearing interactions with others such as while dating, talking with authority figures or speaking in front of groups are all characteristics of social anxiety. The anxiety is associated with a fear of public embarrassment or humiliation.
Posttraumatic Stress
Experiencing anxiety related to a trauma, such as war or abuse, is characteristic of posttraumatic stress. Other factors include nightmares, flashbacks and intense fear. This anxiety includes avoidance of issues related to the traumatic event.