How to Cure Panic Attacks Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Notebook/journal
- Paper bag
Notice the feelings. Even before a panic attack begins, notice the feelings that occur in your body. For example, do you feel nauseous, nervous or dizzy? Is there a tingling sensation throughout your entire body? Does your heart feel as though it is going to leap from your chest? Write down these feelings or physical symptoms in a journal or notebook to keep track of them, so that the next time you can recognize the feelings and know that a panic attack is coming--and then you can head it off at the pass.
Slow your breathing. Anyone who has every had a panic attack knows that your breathing speeds rapidly out of control. If not slowed immediately, hyperventilation and other physical symptoms can occur, including rapid pulse, sweating and fainting. Concentrate on your breathing and nothing else. Sometimes it is useful to carry a paper bag with you (breathing into the paper bag will help regulate your breathing). Take very slow and deep breaths until you feel yourself relax.
Identify the cause. Once you have slowed down your breathing and prevented any other physical symptoms from taking over, take a look around at your surroundings. Where are you? What situation are you in? What happened that caused you to start panicking in the first place? Identifying the cause of your panic attack will help you learn what your triggers are so that you can begin addressing them in a healthy way.
Get plenty of exercise. Regular exercise helps reduce stress and improve overall health. When you exercise at least once a day, you severely reduce the risk of experiencing a panic attack. Getting a decent amount of exercise will help you learn how to manage your feelings of anxiety and work through them in a positive way.
Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is a must for everyone. It replenishes the cells of the body and makes us feel refreshed every morning when we wake up. People who do not get enough sleep are more prone to anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Make sure that you have a healthy sleep pattern and that it is not contributing to your anxiety.