Group Activities for Self-Esteem

Taking the time to discuss and build self-esteem in people is important. Building the self-esteem of a group can be a simple process that involves thinking and reflecting.
  1. What I Like About You

    • Place the name of each individual on a piece of paper. Everyone writes down one thing he likes about the person. No one signs his name after the compliment. Ask participants to keep the paper for days they are feeling bad.

    All About Me

    • Provide construction paper, glue, glitter and other art decorating supplies. Have everyone create a brochure that tells about who she is. Stipulate that only positive things are to be placed in the brochure.

    When I Look in the Mirror

    • Place small mirrors in front of all participants. Have everyone look into the mirrors. Ask him what positive things he sees in the mirror. Have the group tell the individual the positive things they see.

    Warm Fuzzies

    • Place a Warm Fuzzy board somewhere in the room. Ask everyone to write an uplifting note to everyone else in the group. Place them on the board. No one signs her name.

    Ring of Love

    • Have each person write down five to seven things he loves about himself on construction-paper strips. Have him make rings out of the strips and connect them.

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