Can the Teslar Watch Help With Anxiety?
Teslar technology really appeared in wide use in the 1980s, after research in the late 1970s showed that there were detrimental effects on the body from the electromagnetic fields that people were being exposed to. The Teslar chip was designed to have an Alpha wave between 7 and 9 Hz, which mimics the natural signal of the Earth and helps to negate the magnetic fields created by electronic devices. Many watch companies and jewelry makers started offering Teslar chips in their products, and there are quite a few companies still providing information into the benefits of Teslar and selling watches with Teslar chips.
People who claim that Teslar watches are beneficial see these watches as having a great deal of significance in their lives. They say that the timepieces relieve their aches and pains, migraine headaches, anxiety and stress, jet lag, and insomnia. Other people who've tried the watches say they don't do anything, and they make no difference no matter how long they're worn. Like any therapy, treatment, or medication, one option might work for one person and not for another person.
Teslar watches are designed for two things: to provide a high-quality timepiece for the discerning individual, and to help people who wear the watches feel better and live better lives, free from pain and anxiety. Whether they do either one of these things is often only based on the opinion of the person who has purchased the watch. For those who feel the watch is effective, one option is to buy several Teslar watches in different styles so that a watch for every occasion is available. People who aren't pleased with the quality and the functionality of the watch, however, will generally return it and purchase something else, as long as it tells them what time it is.
One problem often seen with the Teslar watch is the fact that people will take a good thing and find a way to use it in an attempt to scam other people. That's why it's so important to be able to identify the actual Teslar chip in a Teslar watch. It should be bumpy. Real Teslar chips aren't completely smooth, and 'Teslar' watches that have completely smooth chips are generally fake. They might look great and tell time, but they won't help with anxiety and other ailments. In order to see any benefits, a person needs to have a watch with genuine Teslar technology.
Because scientific and medical opinions differ on whether Teslar watches help with the treatment of anxiety or any other ailment, they shouldn't be considered a cure, and they shouldn't be used in place of doctor-recommended medical treatment. Forgoing necessary treatment for the use of a Teslar watch could potentially be dangerous, and the watch should only be used as an add-on to other treatment plans.