How to Diagnose Anxiety
There are many different types of anxiety disorders that include conditions such as panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Diagnosing anxiety is best done by a medical or mental health professional, who is educated and trained in psychiatric conditions.Things You'll Need
- Graduate Degree
- State License
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
How to Diagnose Anxiety
Obtain a state license to be able to clinically practice and diagnose individuals. Establish a setting to see patients, clients or students. This may be a hospital, residential treatment center, outpatient clinic or school counseling office. A private practice would involve finding an office space to rent. Decorate the office with comfortable furniture, pictures and plants. Allow for privacy so consumers may feel at ease to confidentially discuss issues.
Observe the patient or client and notice any signs of anxiety such as muscle tension, rigidity of body, sweating, trembling or shaking. Employ a structured interview focused on obtaining history of symptoms and gather data to form a hypothesis on symptom complaints. Symptoms may include feeling keyed up, on edge, irritable, hypervigilance or panic attacks. Consult the newest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Use clinical judgment to compare and contrast criteria for anxiety disorders to form ideas about the diagnosis.
Consult with professional peers as needed if in question about a diagnosis. Do not assume that an accurate diagnosis can be fully formed following an initial meeting. Continue to gather information during sessions with a patient.
Form an official working diagnosis prior to treatment with a patient or client. Employ treatment methods that are indicated for an anxiety diagnosis such as cognitive behavioral therapy, teaching coping skills and relaxation exercises. Recommend the use of medications, if appropriate.