Immediate Anxiety Relief
Through exercising, you can soothe your turbulent mind while flexing your muscles. Strenuous exercise is not necessary to gain immediate anxiety relief. Do 20 or 30 minutes on the treadmill or take a quick jog around your neighborhood, and you will immediately feel relief. To assuage your mind, listen to calming music while working out. Many fitness centers have televisions attached to the treadmill. Watch one of your favorite programs to distract your attention from your troubles.
Breathing exercises are excellent stress relievers. Anxiety causes a surge of fear inside you which results in uncomfortable tremors in your heart. To steady your erratic heartrate, breathe in and out slowly while counting to ten. Do this as many times as necessary until your anxiety dissipates. Breathing exercises help you to stay calm and rational.
A victim of anxiety tends to see the worst in situations. Hence, his judgment is distorted and his thinking becomes negative. When undergoing anxiety, try to think of something positive, no matter how small. Recall fond memories so your mind becomes happy and appreciative. Read an inspiring light-hearted magazine or book and avoid heavy content that will make you depressed. Remember that you are in control of your thoughts. Therefore, if you think negative, your reactions will be negative. Command your thought into positive thinking and prosperous actions will follow.
If you deny your anxiety, your symptoms will persist. There is nothing shameful about being anxious for it is a natural trait of humanity. Accept this the next time you are anxious, and you will feel immediate relief just from knowing that there are others like you. Your anxiety does not make you weak; it is simply a hurdle you must tackle. Think of your anxiety in a progressive light, and use its presence to become a stronger individual. Sharing your feelings about anxiety is a useful outlet where you can connect with others similar to you. There are several online forums where you can discuss your feelings about anxiety anonymously.