Topamax to Prevent Anxiety
How it Works
Topamax works by calming the nerve cells in the brain that have been known to create migraines when overly excited. This same process also works for anxiety disorders by calming the active nerve cells similar to the way anti-convulsive medication stops a seizure. When used as a cure for anxiety, there is a possibility of increased depression and suicidal thoughts similar to many antidepressants out on the market.
Topamax will not cure depression and anxiety overnight and may take up to two months for the effects to be seen. Patient responses to the drug as a migraine reducer have been favorable, but results are mixed with its use as an anxiety medication. Some patients said they had hallucinations and confusion.
Side Effects
Topamax is not a drug to take lightly as it has serious side effects with long-reaching health consequences. There have been reports of the drugs creating eye problems, including glaucoma. Anyone experiencing blurred or cloudy vision or pressure behind the eyes should seek medical attention immediately.
The other main side effect is metabolic acidosis, which is a decrease in the body's serum bicarbonate. This can lead to minor issues such as fatigue, loss of appetite and irregular appetite. If the problems goes on uncorrected, it can lead to kidney stones, osteoporosis and may cause retarded growth in children. It is important for patients to speak with the doctor about the various side effects before choosing Topamax as a drug for anxiety. There are several other drugs available for anxiety disorders, so make sure Topamax is the right one for you.