Does Anxiety Go Away?
Normal Anxiety
Everyone experiences anxiety at times. You may feel butterflies in your stomach before having to speak in public or before a big exam at school. Life transitions bring up anxiety as do getting married, graduating from college or changing jobs. Financial stress, marital problems and illness also cause immense stress.
Signs of an Anxiety Disorder
Do you find yourself questioning each decision you make? Do you repeatedly ask "what if" questions? Have you been worrying excessively for over six months? Do you experience bodily symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, stomach discomfort, shortness of breath or dizziness and want to flee whatever situation you are in? Have you changed plans for fear of having another panic attack? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder.
If you suffer from anxiety you are not alone. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that over 40 million American adults over the age of 18 are affected by anxiety disorders every year. This number has increased from 19 million adults in 2001. NIMH also reports that over 90 percent of people who seek help for these disorders experience improvement or a full recovery after treatment.
Anxiety treatment comes in different forms and the best approach is a comprehensive treatment plan, which attacks the anxiety from many angles. Remedies include psychotherapy, deep breathing and visualization, desensitization techniques, medication and confronting negative thinking patterns. Educating yourself on the origins of your specific anxiety is also helpful, although not necessary for relief.
Self Care
In addition to the above remedies, there are things you can do to take care of yourself. Make a list of hobbies and make sure you incorporate them into your life. Treat yourself to bubble baths or massages in order to relax. Make sure exercise and a healthy diet are part of your lifestyle. By taking time out of your schedule to relax, you will be more effective in every area of your life.