Testing for Panic Disorder
Blood Tests
The most common tests run by doctors to screen out any physical reasons for anxiety and panic attacks are blood tests. These tests check hormone levels, organ function, thyroid function, vitamin and mineral levels as well as many other body functions. The doctor will most likely run a complete blood panel to make sure nothing is physically wrong, but also to check how the patient's body will respond should medication be used as a treatment option.
If the blood tests are inconclusive or show a problem, they may be followed up with additional tests including imaging. If a problem with the thyroid is detected, an ultrasound may be used to determine what, if any, damage there is. In addition, a CT scan or EEG of the head may be taken to rule out tumors as a possible cause of the panic attacks and anxiety.
Psychological Testing
Psychological tests are used to determine the level of anxiety and the severity of the panic attacks. The doctor will ask questions and use the answers to determine if she thinks the patient has panic disorder or if it is another type of anxiety disorder. Due to the nature of this kind of testing, the results are not very reliable because they are based on the testimony of the patient.
Sleep Study
If the patient is suffering from a sleep disorder, this can cause symptoms of anxiety. If the doctor suspects that sleeping problems are the cause of the symptoms, he may order a sleep study. Sleep apnea is one sleeping problem that can affect stress levels, but there are many other sleeping disorders that can be the cause. The body needs sleep to fully recharge, and if something is interfering with this process, it can take a toll on the mind and body.
Neurotransmitter Testing
Neurotransmitter testing is a urine test used to check the levels of neurotransmitters released by the body. When the body is under stress, the kidneys secrete neurotransmitters for reasons that are still not completely understood. Testing neurotransmitter levels not only shows the doctor a physical sign of the stress, but can also be helpful in treatment. The levels of neurotransmitters released tell the doctor what medications should be prescribed, if any, and in what amounts they should be taken.