How to Treat Anxiety Disorder During Pregnancy

Pregnant women may be prone to anxiety because of the hormonal changes taking place in their body. They may not want or be able to take prescription medications for anxiety, because it might affect the fetus. Fortunately, a number of natural remedies are available.

Things You'll Need

  • Green or chamomile tea
  • Natural herbs
  • Essential oils or candles
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      Exercise every day. Physical activity--30 to 60 minutes of moderate activity a day--helps relieve anxiety. Start slowly, if you are not exercising already, and work your way up to 30 minutes. Then gradually expand your exercise time to 1 hour. Walking is the easiest exercise to work into your daily activities. Check with your doctor before starting or increasing your exercise routine.

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      Stay away from TV news, radio news, talk shows and the newspaper. Bad news can jump start feelings of anxiety. You don't have to swear off current events forever. But while you are pregnant and having trouble with anxiety, take a break from anxiety-causing information.

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      Get out of the house. Talk to friends and to other people. Even a quick trip to the grocery store to interact with the clerk can take your mind off your anxiety. Don't isolate. That only leads to depression and increases the chance of anxious thoughts.

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      Get a massage, if you still feel comfortable doing so. A massage will relax all your tense muscles. Use the time on the table to let your worries go. Stop thinking about the small stuff. Tell yourself It will take care of itself, and tomorrow it will mean nothing.

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      Drink green or chamomile tea. Both are said to be helpful in relieving anxiety.

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      Try aromatherapy. Buy essential oils or candles in cypress, jasmine, rose or lavender scents. Burn the candles or put the essential oils in a scent diffuser and breathe deeply. Lavender is especially soothing.

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      Meditate every day. If you have a hard time sitting still and clearing your mind, set a small goal of meditating for 5 minutes in the morning or at lunchtime. Sit in a quiet place. Set the timer for 5 minutes. Breathe in and out through your nose. Focus on your breath feeling cool as it moves in through your nostrils. Feel it moving through your sinuses and moving back out through your nose, warmer than before. Try to keep your mind clear of all thoughts. Focus only on your breath and your nose. If you find yourself thinking about something, return to your breath and your nose. When the timer sounds, take a few deep breaths and then get up and continue with your day.

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      Stop and breathe deeply several times a day. Take a break during the day and breathe deeply for at least five breaths. If you are anxious, you may tend to hold your breath or breathe shallowly. This will help break the pattern.

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      Ask your ob/gyn if it is okay to take herbal remedies. Valerian will help you sleep, and it is effective for treating mild anxiety. Kava, ashwangandha and bugleweed are other herbs that have been used as antianxiety treatments.

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      Seek help from a counselor or therapist. Sometimes talking to a professional is extremely helpful. Get recommendations from your doctor, your ob/gyn or your friends.

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