Living with Anxiety
Stress is one of the largest causes of anxiety. Stress releases cortisol, which causes a more rapid heart beat, rapid breathing and a higher blood pressure. These symptoms alone can cause anxiety both by putting the individual in a fight-or-flight situation and also making the person feel anxious. Combating stress can reduce feelings of anxiety. This can be done by reducing stressors or by engaging in deep breathing, meditation, aromatherapy and other relaxation techniques.
Anxiety can have some effect on relationships. Most individuals will know that those they live with have an anxiety disorder. However, not everyone will necessarily understand or be willing to accommodate an anxiety disorder. If you are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, employers cannot discriminate against you as long as you do not fail to show up to work and as long as your anxiety does not interfere with your work.
Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can disrupt social situations and put sufferers in physical danger if the panic attack happens in a moment when focus is needed. Those experiencing sudden panic attacks should breath deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling out of your mouth. Also, you should determine what the trigger of a panic attack might be. Sometimes thinking of a deceased loved one or an unhealthy relationship can spark a panic attack. You might need to remove some triggers from your life and receive therapy for others.
Anti-anxiety medications include Xanax, Klonopin, Valium and Ativan. These medications can have a variety of side effects such as agitation, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness and dry mouth. Fortunately, these side effects can be treated naturally. Agitation can be treated through exercise and deep breathing. Constipation can be handled by drinking 6 or more glasses of water a day and eating fiber. Bananas help with diarrhea. Dizziness is most often when combined with alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. Sucking on ice chips can provide relief for dry mouth.
Depersonalization and Derealization
Depersonalization is an experience anxiety sufferers commonly experience where they no longer feel real and feel detached from their surroundings. Derealization is similar but involves the individual feeling that their surroundings are not real. Both of these experiences can interfere with concentration and relating to others. Treatment for this disorder involves psychotherapy and sometimes medication. However, treating anxiety can help relieve these disorders, since they do not normally occur without anxiety or depression.