How to Live in Healthy Balance
Cultivate creativity. "But I'm not a creative person!" you argue. "Oh, yes you are!" I declare. Everybody's got a creative side, and artistic pursuits are extremely helpful for managing stress, coping with loneliness, easing the pains of heartache and just making life generally a lot more fun. What is your creative talent? If you aren't sure, try a few. Take snapshots of your daily life, work in your garden, sketch in a notebook, play guitar or tell jokes to your loved ones.
Develop a spiritual life. I am not talking about religious doctrine or church affiliation here, rather I am talking about a recognition of something bigger than yourself, a realization that you are connected to those around through the shared human condition, that you are a part of that which is eternal, divine and true. How do you do this? By making a daily ritual of spiritual practice. This doesn't need to be time consuming, but it does need to occur regularly. Write down five things you are grateful for, say a prayer, meditate or simply sit under the stars, look up at the moon and contemplate the vastness of live.
Move your body. Dance, ride a skateboard, ski, jump rope, walk, lift weights. It doesn't matter what you do, just so long as you do it. And do it daily. Our bodies are meant to move.
Eat right. Eating right means eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, organic and free-range meats and whole grains. It means not overeating. It means not eating foods that are precooked and packaged. It means occasionally allowing yourself to indulge in your favorite dessert.
Become part of a community. We might be an individualistic society, but at the core we are social creatures. We cannot survive or be happy without the company of others.
Stretch your intellect. Read and think critically about topics outside your comfort zone on a regular basis. Find others who are eager to take part in intelligent discussion and friendly debate.
Spend below your means. You cannot live in healthy balance if you are stressed about money. Save more than you spend. If you need more money, think about getting an extra job for a period of time.
Be loving to all people, all creatures, all life that you come into contact with.
Make time for play time. Studies show that unstructured, day-dreaming time is an essential component for healthy development in the brains of children. I say it's an essential component of a balanced, healthy and happy adult life. Make sure that you aren't booking every moment of your life with a to-do task. If you have to, schedule time on your calendar to simply let your mind wander.
Practice discipline. Set limits for yourself, create a schedule, be vigilant, say "no" to things that will stretch you beyond your mental, emotional, physical or financial means. While not everything will be in balance in equal measure all of the time, living in healthy balance is a worthy pursuit, so make a commitment to start your balancing act today.