Complications of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Worrying about life can cause anxiety. If these anxieties actually take over your life, you may have generalized anxiety disorder. Mental and physical symptoms can interfere with relationships, work or even day-to-day household activities. Exploring these complications may lend to a better understanding and the reasons for treatment.
  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    • Excessive, unrelenting worry characterizes generalized anxiety disorder. Although it is considered normal to have feelings of worry or doubt over issues like work or relationships, diagnosed patients have symptoms connected with these worries that significantly interfere with daily life. Mental symptoms include restlessness, irritability and obsession over possible negative outcomes. Physical symptoms can be excessive sweating, insomnia and heightened muscle tension.


    • Medication treatments for generalized anxiety disorder patients are usually beneficial in reducing certain symptoms, such as physical stress. However, the side effects can bring on a new set of complications. For example, Lexapro is a commonly-prescribed anti-anxiety medication. Its side effects include repressed libido, drowsiness and imbalance. Lexapro and other Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) can also interfere with other medications such as Lithium and Celexa.


    • Even when diagnosed, generalized anxiety disorder patients can easily fall for self-medication techniques that are harmful to the body. Smoking, for example, can provide quick stomach pain relief and settle the nerves, despite the inherent risks of inhaling carcinogens. Alcohol abuse can relieve enhanced physical and mental stress. Illicit drug use can also replace the "feel good" hormones that can be missing.

    Home Life

    • Physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include insomnia and fatigue from lack of sleep. A a person with generalized anxiety disorder can add a burden to others in the family because he may be too tired to do chores or interact with everyone else. With mental symptoms such as impatience and easy irritability, the patient can find himself emotionally pulled away from family members as well. If the patient exhibits tension and anxiety over otherwise normal situations such a family member's going to the grocery store, she can become stressed over dealing with confrontation upon their return.


    • Generalized anxiety disorders can further complicate efficiency at work. Diagnosed patients could lose time and productivity while dealing with insomnia, fatigue from insomnia and stomach pain issues. High irritability and impatience can result in broken-down communications between the patient and co-workers. Additional symptoms can present themselves should a patient get anxiety before making a public presentation.

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