How to Rate Anxiety
Jot down the events, feelings or thoughts that are making you feel anxious or nervous. Using a scale of 1 to 10, rate how anxious or panicky the events and thoughts make you feel. Take the list with you when you visit your family doctor or a psychologist to help them get a better sense of the severity of your anxiety.
See a psychologist or psychiatrist. If you suspect you may have anxiety, it's best to seek the advice of a professional who can suggest legitimate treatment options and rate your anxiety level using clinical tools at their disposal.
Use the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale to rate your anxiety on your own. This is an anxiety rating scale developed by psychologist William W. K. Zung that asks a person to respond to several statements meant to gauge their anxiety level. At the end of the test, your results are scored and you're given a general idea of the level of your anxiety. Check the Resources section for a link to the self-test.
Print out the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and take it with you to a licensed doctor or psychologist who will help you interpret the results. A more accurate diagnosis must be performed by a professional.