Natural Anxiety Help
Breathing and Meditation
The nervous system is divided into many parts. When we feel threatened, panicked or anxious, the sympathetic nervous system takes charge, putting you into fight-or-flight mode. This puts a great deal more pressure on the body, and anxiety is elevated. Practicing deep breathing or slowing and relaxing the breath activates the parasympathetic nervous system that rules the rest and digest response.
Take in a deep breath over four or five counts and then hold the breath in for the same duration. Release the breath over four to five counts and then hold the breath out for the same length of time. This will fill the body with oxygen and put the parasympathetic system in control. Another breath involves inhale slowly to a moderate and comfortable degree and then releasing the breath at an extremely slow pace.
Always be sure to breath all the way into the body of the lungs at the diaphragm, which is located behind the lower ribs. The abdomen should expand on the inhale and deflate on the exhale. Also be sure to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Meditation can also be helpful in coping with anxiety. One technique involves lying down and tensing each body part, one at a time and then releasing the tension and relaxing the body part. For example, you can take a breath and squeeze the foot for a few seconds and then release the tension on the exhale. This is done with each foot, each leg, the lower part of the torso, buttocks and stomach and then the top half of the torso, the shoulders and chest. The you can tense and relax each arm and then the face.
Herbs and vitamins
There are many herbs that can help to ease anxiety. Passion flower is acts as a relaxant and a pain killer and is often used in many herbal remedies for anxiety. Skullcap is a powerful tonic for the nervous system, both relaxing and strengthening it. Lavender assists with panic attacks and also acts as a tonic for the nervous system and acts as an antidepressant. Valerian assists with anxiety and insomnia and also acts as a pain killer.
Vitamin B assists with keeping a healthy nervous system as well as a healthy metabolism. Omega-3 fatty acids also assist in strengthening the nervous system and encourage better concentration and general vitality and well being. Eating a healthy diet low in caffeine can help to reduce anxiety as well as having a regular exercise routine.
Always be sure to consult your doctor before taking any supplements.