Anxiety & Depression Effects
Physical Effects of Anxiety Attacks
There are some immediate physical effects that occur with anxiety. An anxiety attack is a short but intense episode of panic and feelings of fear. An attack usually only lasts for a few seconds or minutes, but it is terrifying for the person who suffers from it. The momentary effects of an anxiety attack include all or some of the following: elevated heart rate, irregular heart beat, hyperventilation, dizziness, nausea, sweating and numbness. Most of the symptoms will go away once the anxiety attack is under control.
Physical Effects of Chronic Anxiety
Chronic anxiety produces similar effects that are less intense but longer lasting. Someone who suffers from chronic anxiety may feel anxious all the time, for a period of time until the anxiety is dealt with and cured. Physical effects of chronic anxiety include muscle tension, tension headaches, fatigue, insomnia and digestive issues. Long-term anxiety may also lead to depression or even a weakened immune system.
Physical Effects of Depression
The physical symptoms of depression include sleeplessness, loss of appetite and loss of energy. Depression can also contribute to muscle aches and headaches.
Mental and Emotional Effects of Anxiety
People who suffer from anxiety experience feelings of fear and apprehension. They may feel constantly tense or unable to relax. Another mental effect of anxiety is the inability to stop dwelling on a certain problem or fear. Sufferers of anxiety may experience loss of self-confidence. Their fears seem to imprison them so that they feel like they can't accomplish things.
Mental and Emotional Effects of Depression
Depression affects mental and emotional health as well. The effects of depression consist of feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest, feeling worn down and tired and difficulty in concentrating. Depression can also change the way you perceive yourself. Feelings of guilt and self-loathing are common. The mental and emotional effects of depression can be so devastating that the sufferer has thoughts of suicide.
Social Effects
Anxiety and depression can have a profound effect on social functioning as well. A common phobia that often accompanies anxiety is agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces, and many sufferers of anxiety develop it because they are fearful of being in public places. They may have a fear that they will not be able to get out of a situation if they start to become very anxious or have an anxiety attack. The sufferer would usually start avoiding situations in which they had to be in a public place, like a bar, shopping mall or any other social venue. Of course, this definitely affects the sufferer's social life. People may perceive the unwillingness to go to certain places as snobbery or disinterest and not understand the true reason behind the avoidance. Anxiety can also stress a relationship because the partner may not understand the seemingly irrational fears. It is difficult for someone who doesn't experience chronic anxiety to understand the effects that it has on the sufferer. Depression has similar effects. The person may lose interest in activities he once enjoyed. So he may begin skipping out on social activities with little explanation. Friends, especially those who do not know that he is depressed, may become offended. Depression can also cause tension in relationships because his partner may become frustrated at trying to make him happy.