Natural Ways to Ease Anxiety
A Short Time-Out
When you feel anxiety coming on, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and count to 10. Then let the breath out slowly and repeat until you feel calmer.
Take a mental break
Sometimes you might need to take a mental break to help calm your anxiety naturally. Find a quite place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a relaxing spot such as the beach or a garden. Spend a little time on your mental vacation and do not think about the situation that is causing anxiety.
Lavender has long been used to treat anxiety. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that this fragrant herb is a natural remedy for a range of ailments from insomnia and anxiety to depression and mood disturbances. You can use lavender by taking adding a few drops of its essential oil to a relaxing bath, or burn candles made with lavender essential oil. To relieve anxiety at bedtime, add a few drops of the oil to a tissue and put it near your pillow. (Never ingest any essential oil because it could be toxic.)
Valerian is a natural sedative that can also lower high blood pressure. You can buy this herb in capsule form at health food stores or online. Follow the dosage recommendations on the bottle.
Chocolate causes your body to release the same chemicals that are released when are very happy--for example, when you fall in love. These chemicals can calm your system and make you feel happy, thus naturally relieving some of your anxiety.