Hobbies for Those With Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Crafts, such as knitting, painting, drawing or building things, are a creative and productive hobby to focus the attention away from anxiety and ruminating thoughts.
Journaling helps a person to get thoughts and worries off their chest as well as pinpoint underlying causes of anxiety.
Reading is a healthy hobby for a person suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. Reading is a productive hobby for brain health as well as consuming time, leaving little room for thoughts to drift back to worries.
Yoga is a form of meditation and relaxation that is very beneficial to clearing the mind and finding inner peace, not to mention benefiting one's health. Abdominal breathing is key in yoga, which also helps keep anxiety from turning into panic.
Sports are a great hobby for anyone suffering from anxiety. Being active releases tension, especially in the central nervous system, and releases feel-good endorphins to the body.