Professional Help for Anxiety
There are multiple medication options available including, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, beta blockers and BuSpar (which is in its own drug class).
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy helps replace exaggerated or fearful thinking by learning to replace counterproductive thoughts with more constructive ones.
Relaxation Training
Mental health professionals teach forms of relaxation such as abdominal breathing and progressive muscle relaxation to use at home on a daily basis. Relaxation helps provide an overall sense of well-being.
Exposure and Response Prevention
Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is a technique that first exposes a person to a feared situation in slow increments. Exposing a person to a feared item or situation eventually results in a reduced anxious response.
Group Therapy
Group therapy is helpful in letting a person see that he is not alone and receiving support from peers. Group therapy is often indicated for patients suffering from agoraphobia.
Hypnotherapy uses a hypnotic state that leaves a person responsive to suggestion and allows for change in perception and memory.