Cheap Anxiety Relief Ideas

Anxiety medications and therapy can become costly, especially with little or no insurance coverage. There are free or cheap anxiety relief ideas that can make a big difference in your quality of life.
  1. Kava

    • Kava is an herbal supplement that is a natural relaxant. Kava is not addictive. Recommended dosage is no more than two tablets a day of 40 to 70 milligrams.


    • Practice some form of meditation or deep relaxation for at least 15 minutes up to 4 times per day. Popular forms of meditation include yoga, guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation.


    • Feeling connected to society helps to reduce anxiety. Go to a movie, supermarket or library. Start a conversation with someone. Call a friend or relative.


    • Stimulants can cause or worsen anxiety levels. Avoid caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and illegal substances. If you are going to use stimulants, try to limit their intake.

    Find A Challenge

    • Being too busy can cause you to feel hectic. Having nothing to do gives you time to ruminate on your worries. Find a healthy challenge or distraction.

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