Fast Acting Anxiety Relief
When you feel anxiety starting, focus on your breathing. Make a conscious effort to tell your physical self to breathe in and out, focusing on the actual action. Inhale for 10 counts, and exhale for 5 counts. Then try inhaling for 5 and exhaling for 10. Focusing your attention on something as easy as breathing can help calm your anxiety before it becomes out of control. Take your anxiety one small step at a time, and when you feel it welling up, stop what you're doing and do some breathing exercises.
If you're in a situation that causes anxiety, give your brain a mini-vacation and visualize something else. Sometimes anxiety attacks when we are too embroiled in a chaotic or stressful situation. Step out of the situation by taking a moment to think of something you love, whether it is a location, a pet, a friend or a family member. Think of why you felt so happy in that situation and how calm you felt. Picture the places and people in your mind until you feel the anxiety begin to subside. A simple 5-minute break from the situation often is all you'll need to curb that anxiety and become calmer and more focused.
One of the most effective ways to relieve anxiety is to take a moment to recognize why you are feeling that particular anxiety. Too often anxiety feels like a condition you don't understand and is too stressful and large to deal with. If you are feeling anxious before a big meeting, break the anxiety down. Are you really feeling anxious about being around a lot of people? Are you just anxious around your boss? Do meetings make you antsy? Breaking down the anxious feeling and recognizing what it really is, is a reaction that can help you overcome it before it starts to balloon. Knowing that it's not a general anxiety but one that is pointed makes your anxiety more manageable in a short amount of time.