Treatments for Child Anxiety
Breathing Exercises
Begin by teaching your child some simple breathing exercises. By focusing on breathing, they will stop focusing on the thing that is causing them to have anxiety. It is a great way to help them calm down and bring their heart rate back to normal. Have them take a deep breath, hold it for 10 seconds and then release the breath slowly. You might need to repeat this exercise for up to five minutes depending on how anxious your child is.
Relaxation Techniques
Play some soft, peaceful music and have your child lie on their bed or the couch. Tell them to relax their muscles. Have them take 10 to 20 minutes to do this. Children tense up their bodies when they become anxious. If they recognize the feeling they can then begin to relax wherever they are by remembering the exercise they did at home.
Have your child talk to someone they trust. It might be you, but in most cases they will want to talk to someone else. A trusted pastor, friend, relative or school counselor could make a big difference. Kids need to feel as though they have someone on their side that understands. However, if your child's anxiety worsens, considered seeking help from a licensed professional.
Use medications only in extreme cases of anxiety. You don't want to risk having your child get addicted to anxiety medication. A licensed professional will be able to help you come to this decision and choose the correct medications. Some common medications are Zoloft and Prozac. Be aware that the medication should not be stopped abruptly, but should be gradually reduced over time.