ADHD Symptoms in Young Children
Causes of ADHD in Children
Young children are often impulsive, highly active and have short attention spans. Making the distinction between normal and abnormal may be difficult, but certain criteria have been established. If the child is overly aggressive and has trouble with relationships with others his age, an alarm should be triggered. Also, if the child has a close relative who has ADHD and or is a male, he is more likely to have the same diagnosis. Another cause for ADD/ADHD is the diminished amount of chemicals in key areas of the brain that organize thoughts.
Recognizing Symptoms of ADHD
A child with ADHD who is suffering from the lack of ability to maintain attentiveness might have at least six symptoms from the following list:
Difficulty following instructions
Difficulty staying focused on work
Losing items needed at school
Lack of attentiveness
Inability to process details
Being easily distracted
Symptoms of ADHD with Hyperactive/Impulsive Behavior
A child with ADHD who is hyperactive/impulsive may do six of the following things:
Be fidgety
Run or climb inappropriately
Be unable to play quietly
Blurt out answers
Interrupt people
Talk too much
Be always on the go
Fail to wait her turn
Medications for ADHD
Any parent of teacher who documents these symptoms for ADHD hyperactive impulsive or ADHD inattentive disorder should consult a physician for a plan of action for the child.
A typical plan of action might include Ritalin, Dexedrine, Cylert, Strattera or Adderall. The parent's plan needs to include a set of routines at home for bedtimes, meals and baths. Parents must give clear directions and spell out consequences for adverse behavior and rewards for good actions. They must focus an effort on the child rather than the perfection. Staying in touch with the teacher, who needs to follow a similar plan, is imperative.
Hope For ADHD Children
ADD/ADHD is not caused by bad parenting, watching too much television, playing video games, too much or too little sugar, aspartame, food additives or dyes. Classes for parents of children with ADHD to help them understand how to deal with the child can be helpful. Children with ADHD are often intellectually and artistically gifted. They are also more likely to have more spontaneity, enthusiasm, energy, drive and flexibility than children without ADHD. With modern day advances in the understanding of ADHD, there is hope for a more normal type of lifestyle for children afflicted with ADHD.