Natural Ways to Treat Anxiety Disorder
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you determine the origin of your anxiety and how to change destructive patterns of thinking. Sometimes, negative thoughts pop into your head involuntarily. Therapy can teach you how to replace such thoughts with positive ones.
Diet and Exercise
Eating a healthy diet helps you maintain a general feeling of well-being. To reduce stimulants in your diet, cut down on sugar and caffeine. A regular workout routine counters stress by releasing calming hormones.
Lifestyle Changes
Drugs and alcohol can increase symptoms of depression and anxiety. You will feel less anxious if you surround yourself with people who are naturally happy and positive.
If many of your worries are job-related, consider finding work that is more satisfying and less stressful. People who do what they love manage to work under pressure and still feel upbeat at the end of the day.
Examine the nature of your relationships. If you are the victim of physical abuse, seek immediate help. If the relationship is strained by constant arguments but you feel it is worth saving, couples therapy may help you and your partner find new ways of communicating.
Relaxation Techniques
Certain exercises can immediately reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as high blood pressure, rapid pulse, shallow breathing and light-headedness. The body and mind are interconnected; alleviating your physical response to stress will help calm your mind.
Take a slow, deep breath through your nose, drawing the air into your stomach and bottom of your lungs. Hold this for a few seconds and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat this several times until you begin to calm down.
Relax your muscles. Assume a comfortable position and progressively tensing and then release each muscle group throughout your body.