Methods to Deal With Anxiety Attacks
Medical Advice
Anxiety attacks are generally accompanied by a pounding heart, irritability and sweating. To ensure that you do not have an underlying medical condition, such as thyroid disease, see your doctor. Consequently, you will know if your anxiety is caused by a physical ailment. You can also see a therapist or counselor who will help you to manage your attacks. This is especially important if your symptoms last more than one to two weeks. Not seeing a professional can prolong your attacks, leading to extreme paranoia and more frequent attacks. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (see References) has an excellent website where you can enter your zip code to find a therapist near you.
Given time, your anxiety attack will pass. Breathe in and out slowly and count to 10 (do this as many times as is necessary), and accept that you are undergoing an attack. Know that it will pass, and that the reason for your attack may be less stringent that you perceive. Often, your fear of a situation is greater than its actual peril. Think positive thoughts when you have an attack. Though this may be difficult when all you can see are catastrophic results, try to think of something good in your life, something that has or will make you smile. Do this, and before you know it, you will be back to normal.
Similar Cases
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