Flower Remedies for Anxiety
Choosing the Right Flower Essence
There are many different flower essences to choose from, all of which are used to balance the emotions. As with homeopathy, the overall constitution and personality are considered when choosing a flower essence or essences to use. Star of Bethlehem and Rock Rose are used in times of extreme crisis or loss. Aspen and Mimulus are good choices for fear, both rational and irrational. White Chestnut and Cherry Plum may help with compulsive thoughts.
Rescue Remedy and Other Blends
One easy option for treating anxiety with flower essences is to use a blend of essences like Bach's Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy includes Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum. While Rescue Remedy and Rescue Sleep are the only blends produced by the well-known Bach's Flower Essences, you can find a variety of blends from other companies, many geared toward specific situations.
Using Flower Essences
Flower essences are most commonly taken by placing one to two drops under the tongue, but you can also place these drops into water and sip it throughout the day. Bach's produces Rescue Remedy in a cream, gel, pastilles, alcohol-free preparation, a spray or traditional alcohol tincture. Flower essences can be used to treat stress, grief, anxiety or upset in children, adults and even cats and dogs. Pastilles, cream or the alcohol-free tincture are ideal for children. Add drops of alcohol-based flower essences to a pet's water bowl or give it directly if needed.