How to Overcome Paruresis
Make an appointment with your doctor, who may want to run some tests to rule out a medical reason for your paruresis.
Ask your doctor about using self-catheterization to help you overcome the paruresis. Using a catheter to drain the urine can be a way for a patient to find relief from the discomfort of holding in the urine.
Receive a referral to a psychologist. Your doctor will likely recommend a visit to a behavior specialist, who may use a combination of counseling and anti-anxiety medication to treat the paruresis.
If you are a man with paruresis, use an enclosed or private bathroom instead of a urinal. Sufferers also find that scheduling times to urinate can reduce their anxiety about using the bathroom.
Join a support group. The International Paruresis Association's website has a link to support groups throughout the country for sufferers of shy bladder syndrome. You can contact the listed leader of the group for information on meetings and events.
Consider hypnosis, a behavioral therapy that can relieve anxiety about going to the bathroom in public. Ask your psychologist about this treatment option.