Signs of Anxiety & Panic
Racing Heart
A racing heart is a sign of both anxiety and panic. This is not an imagined increase in heart rate, but an actual increase. It is a result of the flight-or-fight response that kicks in when a potential threat is perceived.
Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are usually associated with actual panic, which is the response to an imagined or feared event. They can accompany anxiety as well. Panic attacks involve an increased heart rate or heart pounding, shallow breathing, dizziness, trembling and sweating. Nausea and even vomiting may also be part of the attack. Panic attacks can also be coupled with chest pain. This chest pain often causes the individual to think he is having a heart attack, which then causes more anxiety. The increase in anxiety will often bring about an increase in physical symptoms.
Another sign of anxiety and panic is a general feeling of dread. This dread is a pervasive feeling that something bad or terrible is going to happen. It is almost always there, even when nothing bad is happening.
Anxiety and panic involve the flight-or-fight mode that accompanies danger. The feeling of being in danger is constant, even though there is usually no real threat present. Because of this, the body is always in a state of preparation to fight the perceived danger. The state of preparation can result in jumpy behavior. Even slight surprises, such as the phone ringing, can cause a startled response.
Tension and Soreness
Constant muscle tension is also a sign of panic and anxiety. Muscles are constantly tensed up, expecting the perceived threat to take place. This tension can then lead to soreness throughout the body.
As a result of anxiety and panic symptoms, stress begins to build in the body. This stress manifests itself in frequent illnesses, irritability and an overall sense of being completely overwhelmed.