How to Treat Anxiety in Teens
Anxiety in Teens
Determine whether you believe you have an anxiety disorder. Some anxiety is normal, and you must learn to cope with it. Anxiety rises to the level of a disorder when it impacts your diet, sleep habits, school work, relationships, or behavior. There are tests available that you can administer to yourself to determine whether you have the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. you can find some of these tests online.
Seek help. If you believe that you have an anxiety disorder, or you need help managing your anxiety, you should seek professional help. A good place to start is your regular doctor, who can recommend specialists that will help with your anxiety.
Choose a specialist. You can see a therapist, who will try to give you the tools to cope with your anxiety by talking with you about your concerns. You could also see a psychiatrist, who may recommend medication to deal with your anxiety.
Decide whether you want medication. Taking a drug for your anxiety disorder is a big step, and may not be the answer for everyone. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used to treat anxiety in children and adults. Drugs in this category include Prozac, Lexapro, and Paxil, among others. SSRIs are generally safe, but may increase suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Teens taking such medications should be carefully monitored.
Determine effectiveness of treatment. If your current method of treating anxiety is not working, you should pursue other options. Trying a variety of therapists and a variety of medications is the best way to determine what will work for you.