Anxiety Relief Techniques
Talk About It
Telling someone how you feel is still one of the best things you can do for yourself. Ask for the person's agreement to just listen for a while. Otherwise, he may interrupt with advice, and you won't get much relief.To take listening one step further, consider learning peer counseling. In this technique, people exchange equal amounts of time listening and being listened to (see Resources, first link).
Do Something
Make a list of everything you need to do. Break each item down into small tasks. Order them from the easiest to most difficult. Do the easiest thing. Congratulate yourself, cross it off the list and move on. Each item you cross off will give you confidence to tackle the next item.
Reduce News Consumption
Limit your exposure to news or find sources that include hopeful stories along with the troubling ones (see Resources, second link).
Emotional Acupressure
The ancient Chinese principles of acupuncture can help with emotional issues as well as physical ones. Acupressure uses touch (tapping or pressing with your fingertips) in place of needles. The basics are easy to learn, and you can work on yourself (see Resources, third link).
Get Moving
Any kind of exercise or movement can get your mind off your troubles. Take a walk in the woods, park or beach. Or try yoga, which works to calm the mind as it builds strength and balance.
Meditation and Imagery
Learn to meditate or use imagery to focus on and dispel your anxiety. For example, picture yourself lying on a beach. A wave washes over you up to your neck. As it leaves, it takes your anxiety away with it. Or imagine that you are sitting by a river. Place each worry into a small boat and watch it float away downstream.
If your anxiety keeps you from functioning in your daily life, ask for help from someone you trust or visit a mental health professional.