How to Overcome Anxeity
Note the difference between fear and anxiety to avoid unrealistic expectations. Fear is your reaction during scary situations, while anxiety involves nervousness related to the possibility of a scary situation occurring. It's the difference between running from an actual snake and getting worked up because you think there could be a snake waiting to bite you. Overcoming anxiety isn't about getting rid of fear, as it's healthy to be afraid when faced with actual danger.
Pinpoint the source of your anxiety. Understanding what makes you anxious can help you avoid people and situations that trigger nervous feelings. It can also allow you to address underlying issues directly. Pay attention to the start, duration and intensity of anxiety symptoms to understand your condition better.
Share your problems with trusted friends. Talking through your issues with emotionally stable peers can help you modify your thinking and behavior. Listen as your friends affirm your positive traits and offer solutions to overcome your anxiety. Modeling yourself after a confident friend can give you concrete examples of suitable behavior.
Tap into the mind-body connection. Since emotional and physical health is closely linked, it's important to take care of your body while healing your mind. Adhere to a regular sleep schedule to recuperate from daily stress. Commit to a regular exercise schedule to keep the body fit and to release aggression. Eat a diet full of nutritious foods to keep the body well fed.
Gain self-confidence to aid in the fight against anxiety. Believing that you posses the strength to beat your problem can motivate you to try harder to succeed. Recognize your abilities without apologizing for doing so. Forgive yourself for previous mistakes to avoid operating in self-pity. Acknowledge your accomplishments while vowing to attain even greater success.