How to Make Your Life Better
I've put together a couple dozen ways to improve your physical, emotional and spiritual life. Everything from sleeping on a Tempurpedic mattress to attending a non-secular retreat to reading a good book. Take a look... I bet you will find some that work well for you.
Things You'll Need
- A desire to live better, in ways you can bring about yourself.
- get better sleep (light darkening shades, white music if you need it, and a tempurpedic mattress if you can swing it)
- exercise most days of the week in ways that you can learn to enjoy
- eat properly most of the time and get help to do so if you need it
- learn how to meditate or do yoga
- get massages from a licensed massage therapist
- learn deep breathing and practice it often
- trim down and hire a coach or nutritionist if you have to
- feed your brain (soduku, crosswords, Nintendo zenses, on-line puzzles)
- be affectionate with your partner, friends, parents, pets
- see your doctors regularly, take your medications religiously
- have an active and healthy sex life -
MAKE YOUR emotional and intellectual LIFE BETTER
- mentor a child
- befriend a senior or a group of seniors at an assisted living facility
- engage with your family often
- keep friends close and nurture them
- foster a dog or cat, it might save their life
- live green
- give back to your community through volunteer work or scouts or adopt a road
- take classes, learn to do new things, develop new hobbies or interests
- read the book "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman
- read for enjoyment, even if it's been ?? since you finished a good book -
MAKE YOUR spiritual life BETTER
- create the circumstances of your life by living with intention
- take proactive steps to ground yourself and be centered in how you live
- develop your talents and special gifts
- determine whether you are accountable to someone or something for your life
- rebuild the faith you may have left behind
- if you practice Christianity, examine your habits of prayer, spiritual reading, church, fellowship, retreats and renewal