Definition of an Anxiety Attack
According to, an anxiety attack is a sudden, acute episode of intense anxiety and feelings of panic. Anxiety attacks fall under the spectrum of anxiety disorders in mental health.This includes panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia. Anxiety attacks, while frightening, lack the sheer scale of terror involved in panic attacks, and may have triggers with which they can be associated. An anxiety attack also may revolve around a specific fear blown out of proportion as well. Little by little, sufferers realize they are constantly feeling on edge about little things that should be of no consequence. When worrying gets out of hand, followed by hyperventilation and physical symptoms, seek rehabilitation for an anxiety disorder.
General Symptoms
The symptoms of an anxiety attack may not always progress or end in the same fashion, but there are several clear-cut and unmistakable signs of an attack. Symptoms include being constantly tense or worried, having unshakable fears that interfere with daily life and responsibilities, avoiding certain situations that make you anxious, experiencing sudden and unprovoked episodes of a racing heart and pulse, fearing danger and catastrophe is waiting around every corner, and believing that if certain activities are not performed in a certain way that something horrible will happen.
Emotional Symptoms
Emotional symptoms of anxiety attacks take a heavy toll on the sufferer. Feelings such as constant dread, trouble concentrating, always expecting the worst situation possible, vigilance for signs of distress and danger, restlessness, irritability, inability to think or feeling like your mind is empty, and constantly feeling tense are all common symptoms. Severe emotional symptoms affect the sufferer as well as friends and family. This is why it's important to get the disorder diagnosed and treated right away.
Physical Symptoms
Physical symptoms of an anxiety attack can be unpleasant and take a huge toll on the sufferer's health and daily routine. Common symptoms of an anxiety attack include a racing heart rate, sweating, tremors, shaking or twitching, insomnia, constant fatigue, headaches, muscle strain and tension, insomnia, shortness of breath, dizziness, frequent urination or diarrhea, and an upset stomach or digestion problems.
Anxiety attacks may vary from person to person. While the symptoms are related, the onset of the disorder is different for everyone. One person may experience an anxiety attack while thinking about a certain situation, person, task or object. Another person may experience an attack while trying to successfully mingle at a party. Symptoms may occur while doing something routine as balancing a checkbook and coming to the realization that there is not enough money in the account. Anxiety is different for everyone, but the symptoms are unmistakable.
Getting Help
Help is available through your doctor or therapist. There are many drugs that are able to combat daily symptoms of anxiety and help you return to your daily life without fear.